CHICAGO — The Archdiocese of Chicago has filed a lawsuit over an alleged conspiracy to rip off the church with bogus claims of sexual abuse.
The archdiocese filed the lawsuit in Cook County Circuit Court.
The counterclaim alleges that a group of more than two dozen West Side residents, many tied to a violent street gang, conspired to bring false allegations of sexual abuse against convicted pedophile and former priest Daniel McCormack, winning millions of dollars in settlements.
After subpoenas gave attorneys for the Archdiocese of Chicago access to jailhouse phone calls, they allegedly found fake victims coaching each other to lie, then bragging about pooling large amounts of settlement money, spending it on cars, lavish trips and parties.
It is a scheme attorneys believe may have gone on for years.
“We understand realistically that some of this money might not be around anymore. So while it would be nice to recoup some of the losses, but the main purpose here is to stop the scheme,” James Geoly, general counsel for the archdiocese said.
McCormack served at St. Agatha Catholic Church in North Lawndale in the 1990s and early 2000s and was also a teacher and basketball coach.
McCormack later pled guilty to sexually abusing five boys, though it’s estimated his total number of victims was closer to 30.
According to court documents in the new case brought by the church, defendants named as John Does, were caught conspiring on...
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