Chunav Manch: Union Minister and senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Hardeep Singh Puri on Saturday attended India TV's Chunav Manch. Attacking former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, Puri said the AAP national convenor should be given a gold medal for making false claims. He promised to clean the Yamuna River, saying if he failed to clean he would not ask people to vote but see, he again came forward and made the same promises, the BJP leader said.
There is a scale to measure earthquakes, if there is a scale to measure a corrupt leader, Kejriwal will top, he added. Earlier, he used to say he would not take security and now he is crying for it, the Union Minister said.
Kejriwal promised to build 500 schools in the national capital, now he is saying his government built classrooms, Puri said.
His credibility is reduced to zero and his body language displays it, he added.
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