New Delhi (Vishvas News) – As Budget 24 was presented in the Parliament on July 23, a video of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman travelling in Delhi Metro is going viral on social media. It is being claimed that this video depicts her daily routine of commuting from her home to the ministry using the metro.
In its investigation, Vishvas News found this claim to be misleading. The viral video dates back to Lok Sabha Election 2024, when she was on a tour of East Delhi and she travelled by metro for that trip.
What Is Viral?
Social media user ‘AK Pandey‘ shared the viral video (archive link ) and wrote, “This simple looking woman is Indian Finance Minister ‘Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman’ who goes to office every day by metro train. She is the current Finance Minister of a 4 trillion dollar economy, 5 trillion stock capitalisation, 700 billion foreign reserves.*”
Many other users on different social media platforms have also shared this video with similar claims.
The viral video features Nirmala Sitharaman travelling in the metro. We conducted a Google keyword search to identify the source of the viral video and found many similar reports mentioning her journey.
According to a report by published on May 19, 2024, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman rode the Delhi Metro on Friday, May 17, 2024, and interacted with the passengers. The video of her journey has gone viral on social media.
According to reports, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman was...
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