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By Nekash
Part 1
The course of the Amhara struggle to ensure the Amhara’s people existence – countering the state-led genocide of the Amhara’s identity, culture, economy, and socio-political values – has gained the momentum to advance and execute the Amhara’s interest both in the military and political spheres. Unfortunately (or fortunately) there are several interests – some are conflicting that the Amhara struggle is expected to achieve. One of the main challenges that come with these interests are the individuals and groups behind them. Some seek to limit the Amhara struggle as a tool – only a militant group devoid of political purposes. This group is an extension of the ‘unitary ‘political party that have been misleading the Amhara people’s political perspectives and exploited the Amhara intellectual and material resources for the last four decades. This group fails to acknowledge the shifting socio-political reality and the new norm on the ground – this could be intentional or lack of information on the four decades of political fluxes. Currently, such groups are represented by AFPO1. The other group is the Amhara nationalist – rooted in the Amhara first ideology, that centers the Amhara interest at the heart of the Amhara struggle – not just merely a means or a tool. This group is the new perspective to the Amhara political ideology.
This commentary presents a...
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