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“A former United States Marine pleaded guilty today in federal court in Springfield, Mass. to submitting a false Purple Heart application to the United States Marine Corps through his local Congressman.
Paul John Herbert, 54, of Shelburne Falls, Mass., pleaded guilty to one count of making false statements. U.S. District Court Judge Mark G. Mastroianni scheduled sentencing for June 17, 2025. In September 2023, Herbert was indicted by a federal grand jury.
“Military veterans deserve the respect of every citizen for their service to our country. Veterans know well that the Purple Heart honors those brave service members who were injured or killed in the line of duty. Mr. Herbert knew that he did not deserve this widely recognized and respected award, but that did not stop him from lying about a traumatic brain injury and stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in disability benefits, intended to take care of veterans truly in need.” said United States Attorney Leah B. Foley. “Claiming valor for a false injury is an affront to all the members of the military who serve our country with courage and honor.”
“Today’s guilty plea holds this defendant accountable for falsifying his service record to steal funds intended for our nation’s deserving veterans,” said Special Agent in Charge Christopher Algieri with the...
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