Friday, October 18, 2024

New workplace protections, programs make Minnesota the best ... - redlakenationnews.com

New Minnesota workplace laws passed by the Legislature and signed into law by

Gov. Tim Walz make Minnesota the best state for workers and their families.

These new provisions support working families, expand worker protections, increase worker knowledge and allow workers to have a greater voice in the workplace.

"These new laws ensure working Minnesotans have safer working conditions, enhanced workplace protections and paid time off to care for themselves or a loved one," said Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) Commissioner Nicole Blissenbach. "These new laws support Minnesota workers and truly make Minnesota the best state for workers and their families."

Supporting working families

Earned sick and safe time: Minnesota workers will have access to paid sick time to take care of themselves or a family member as of Jan. 1, 2024. Under the law, employees statewide will earn one hour of sick and safe time for every 30 hours worked and accrue up to 48 hours of sick time each year unless the employer agrees to a higher amount. Workers will be able to take time off work to take care of themselves or a family member when they are ill, to attend medical appointments or to care for a child when school has been closed due to inclement weather, without the risk of losing their jobs.

Paid family and medical leave: Paid family and medical leave is a new program launching for Minnesotans Jan. 1, 2026. It provides paid time off when a serious health condition prevents you...

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