The Gateway Pundit, currently being sued over false election claims, has doubled down on conspiracy theories about the presidential election, according to a new analysis. Meanwhile, white supremacists continue to flee Telegram, the communications platform, after its founder and CEO was arrested in France last month. And a report claims TikTok is sowing racist tropes about Haitian immigrants to millions of people.
It’s the week in extremism.
Gateway Pundit still spreading election falsities
A new report from analysts Advance Democracy, Inc., provided exclusively to USA TODAY, finds that the conservative news website the Gateway Pundit has doubled down in its spreading of false claims about the presidential election. That’s despite the site facing two lawsuits over false claims about the 2020 election.
- ADI found that from Jan. 1 to Aug. 31 the Gateway Pundit published at least 128 articles containing keywords about fraud or election workers. The articles focused on tropes including that the Democratic party is working with election officials to steal the 2024 presidential election and is allowing non-citizens to vote. Examples included articles with headlines like “PAY ATTENTION: Democrats Just Revealed How They Will Steal the 2024 Election — In Three Easy Steps.”
- The website is currently facing a defamation suit filed by a former voting software executive, who accuses the campaign of former president Donald Trump and multiple conservative media outlets of spreading “false...
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