'That Glam Girl', Himanshi Tekwani's marital life with her husband, Rishi Athwani grabbed all the headlines off lately. It was back in 2023, when Himanshi took to her YouTube vlogs and shared that they had mutually decided to part ways. A few months later, they seemed to have reconciled but only to part ways yet again. Himanshi's fans have been slamming Rishi, and he, in his vlogs, has been accusing his wife indirectly. Himanshi finally broke her silence about her separation, and now Rishi hit back at her.
Rishi Athwani hits back at Himanshi Tekwani after she made some shocking claims about the former
Soon after Himanshi Tekwani took to her vlogs to share her side of the story, and talked about her separation from Rishi Athwani, the latter reacted. Sharing the note, Rishi asked everyone to hold their judgements based on Himanshi's reaction. He stated that he would come up with the necessary proof to back his claims and show that Himanshi's allegations were nothing but lies. Rishi expressed his shock about someone going so far to prove her points, so much so that they had to use false claims. He added that he has stayed decent till now, but he would reveal everything clearly now.
That Glam Girl, Himanshi Tekwani accused her husband of cheating on her
Taking to her YouTube vlogs, Himanshi Tekwani finally broke her silence about her separation from Rishi. She shared that Rishi had cheated on her multiple times,...
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